Saturday 24 July 2010

The Essential Best Shin Splint Stretches Pain Cure Guide

Shin splints are agony…you probably know that already which is why you're looking for best shin splint stretches to help.

The stretches are a key part of the cure but first you need to get rid of the pain and immediate problems which is what you will learn here.

Be sure not to do stretches until you have cured the initial problem, you can make it worse if you jump the gun! If you are through the pain stage and want stretches see this free best shin splint stretches guide.

What Are Shin Splints?

Shin splints are a lower leg injury related to muscle and tendon tears, stress and fatigue at the points where they attach to the lower leg bones (Fibula and Tibia). The result can range from mild discomfort to agony so sharp to can't walk let alone compete in sport.
There are 2 main reasons for this:


Excessive impact forces from sports and/or weight bearing activities can overload as they can’t absorb shocks any more.

Exercising on un-even ground, hard ground, coming back to exercise to intensely after a lay-off or upping intensity or duration too rapidly. Exercising in bad shoes and excessive uphill or downhill running can exacerbate this.


Essentially where the feet are too flat which results in what is known overpronation where your feet and ankles roll too far inward when striking ground. This over stretches the muscles.

This can be exacerbated by bad running style, tight muscles, running with excessive forward or backward lean or with toes pointed outwards and landing on the balls of the foot.

So How to Treat and Cure Shin Splints FAST?

Prevention is better than cure which is where shin splint stretches come in but they are for after you have cured the initial pain. Stretching already torn muscles and tendons is NOT a good idea!. Look out for my other article on shin splint stretches for prevention.

Shin Splint Treatment Cure Action 1 - Remove the Cause

Sorry but you’ll have to give the running or sports a rest for a bit, no way round that, hopefully not for long though, and be sure not to try stretches yet.

Do NOT keep training, this is not an injury you can train through or away it will only get worse if you do that.

To recover as quickly as possible you need to follow the right process. Then you can get back in slowly and steadily with minimum lost time.

Emergency Fast RICER Treatment

The basic treatment should be like any other muscle type injury and follow the famed R.I.C.E.R process. (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation and Referral to a professional)

Ideally start RICER within 48-72 hours of the injury. I realise you may have been suffering with them for some time, in which case get onto it now.

Taking some Anti inflammatory tablets like IB Propfin or Voltaren is a good idea too.

Rest –
Keep your leg(s) as still as possible. Slows blood flow and prevents more damage.

Ice –
Crushed ice in a bag, frozen bags of peas etc. This works wonders in reducing swelling. Wrap the ice bags in a damp towel to stoop skin damage. Try to apply for 20 minutes for 48-72 hours (when awake!)

Compression –
Wide, firm elasticated bandages around the area above and below.

Elevation –
Raise the leg above heart level all possible times. Reduces swelling and bleeding.

Referral –
If it is severe and you can hardly walk hours after the onset of pain then you should get to a pro physio or sports doctor for a specific rehab to further reduce injury time. This is optional if your pain is not too awful after the first 4 steps.

Also, very important - No Heat!
For 24-72 hours avoid any heat such as heat lamps, creams, spas etc. Also avoid no massage of the leg and don’t drink too much alcohol. All these will increase bleeding, swelling and pain of your injury. Some of these (not booze ;) will help in shin splint stretching prevention programs but not in the cure phase.

Do this and your shin splints will clear up no problem and we can move on to the next phase which is rehab and prevention involving physio, heat, massage, effective arm up techniques and building muscle strength and flexibility with shin splint stretches and activities.

Your aim is to create lower leg muscles with the strength of steel combined with the flexibility of limp rope. Follow the R.I.C.E.R process and then don't think all is OK, if you do they will most likely come back, no you must then move on to best shin splint stretches and lower leg strength exercises and that is what you will get. Result = You will able to run or speed march like a maniac with no problems!

Top 11 Shin Splint Stretches Training Exercises

Shin splints are agonising, frustrating and can really ruin your sports or exercise sessions. Happily you can make sure that you do not get them by using simple common sense shin splint stretches and training.

If you already have them then first you need to treat them. For that I recommend the R.I.C.E.R regime (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation, Referral) which comes before you can start prevention stretching.

shin splint treatment is not the subject of this article though, see my other article on shin splint cures.

This article is focused on shin splint stretches you can use post immediate treatment and for long term shin splint prevention (and to help you build lower leg muscles like flexible steel cable so that you can train like crazy with no worries)

Best Shin Splint Stretches In Detail
It is a fact that your muscles are more flexible when they have been warmed up (common sense really) so it is clear that shin splint stretches should be a core part of your warm up and down.

You should also make time for a focused shin splint prevention workout a couple of times a week, that's not so hard as many of these exercises can be done in down time.

OK so here goes 11 Top Stretches To Use From Now On:

1) In a kneeling position, point your toes out behind and gently sit back on your heels pressing the tops of the feet towards the ground.

2) Standing arm length from a wall, put your hands on the wall while keeping your feet and knees straight, then lean forward as far as possible.

3) Standing with your feet flat, bend your knees forward as far as possible keeping your heels on the floor.

4) Put feet flat on the ground and have a partner hold them down. Have your partner put pressure on your toes and lift them against the pressure.

5) Sitting with your left ankle on right knee, apply pressure to inside of your foot (near big toe) with hand, then and turn your foot up and in, using the leg muscles.

6) In the same position as above, put pressure on the outside of your foot (near the little toe) with your hand. Then turn your foot down and out using the leg muscles.

7) In the same position as above, put pressure to the top of foot (near toes) with your hand, and lift the foot using leg muscles. Repeat these with the right ankle on the left knee.

8) Sit on a table or chair attach a weight (a bucket filled with stones or sand works well) around the foot. Without bending your knee move your foot up and down from the ankle - Start light and work up.

9) Attach one end of a stretching exercise elastic band to the leg of a table or sofa and loop it around the end of the foot. Move your foot up and down and side to side against the bands resistance. Try to draw the letters of the alphabet in the air with your big toe.

10) Stand erect and raise up and down onto your toes several times. You can make it harder by doing it while standing on a step and allowing your calves to stretch over the edge of the step.

11) While sitting lower and raise your feet with the heels on the ground as high and quickly as possible for 60 seconds. This is a great one to do during work days while sitting at your desk.

6 Shin Splint Stretching Prevention Strengthening Activities

Do these to build the strength in lower legs to flexi-steel levels! In all cases start slowly, short durations, sets or reps and build up. Go until you get regular muscle work out ache. If you get any hint of splint type stress pain stop immediately.

1) Walk down (then back up) steep hills

2) Walk on your toes.

3) Walk on your heels.

4) Walk with your feet turned inward and outward.

5) With your socks off, gather up a towel that is flat on the floor, using only your toes.

6) Pick up marbles using your toes.

Set aside some time for regular shin splint stretches and lower leg strength exercises and that is what you will get. Result = You will create lower leg muscles with the strength of steel combined with the flexibility of limp rope and will able to run or speed march like a maniac with no problems!

Check for more shin splint stretches info and to learn more about emergency shin splint treatment and get a totally free 29 page download guide to stretches for sports performance and injury treatment and prevention that is perfect for creating your personal morning stretch sports stretching warm up and warm down program.